This post isnt about kitbashing, its about GW online ordering. Im sorry but when it says 'Usually ships within 24 hours' you would expect it to at least ship within a week. Nope try 20 days.
I ordered three books, Dark Creed, Sons of Dorn, and ShadowKing as they were listed as available, and two preorders, Black Tide and Rynn's World, which would be sent some time next month after they release.
Next time Iorder from Amazon, or go to the closest Borders (50 miles away) though if I do the later I will go to the FLGS there and support them (also the closest Brick and Morter GW store near me).
Oh and if you call GW dont expect a happy person on the other end of the line. The operator there sounded like I interupted her viewing of Desprate Houeswives.
Anyway, They shipped last Friday. But Im still not happy with the service or the attitude.
Rant over.
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
2 weeks ago